Welcome to kenryuS diary!

This is the diary entries of kenryuS. Updates at least once in three days.

Posted: 09/03/23

Cleveland Air Show

Loud and Hot Air Show

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Posted: 07/25/2023

Final Day of Math Ench.

The course finally ended.

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Posted: 06/12/2023

First Day at Math Enrichment

I'd rather read text book by myself.

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Posted: 06/07/2023

Science Center

preview for the volunteer

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Posted: 05/27/2023

Local Pool Open Day

It was boring though.

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Posted: 03/28/2023

Homework Club

Me VS Me 6 years old

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Posted: 03/16/2023

March 16th, 2023

Career Exploration and Opertunity Fair

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Posted: 03/05/2023

March 5, 2023 Sunday

Learning fractals

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Posted: 02/21/2023

Arts and Bots Volunteer Experience

All it need was unplug and plug back in.

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