Homework Club

Last updated: 3/28/2023

Today, I went to local elementary school fpr volunteer of school's homework club. At there, I was assigned the boy for his assistance on his homework. But he wasn't the ordinary student, he had some kind of mental disability, like 6 years old me. From his assistance teacher, he had missing homework and forgot pencils, eraser, and his math book which was part of his work. While his assistance teacher getting his book, I recommended him to fix his work which was easier than other one, but he didn't liten and tried to do spelling work. Unfortunately, he also forgot his spelling card and didn't do his work until assistant brpught his math book. He did his math homework instead. He once didn't want my help and said "No". I couldn't help that much and by the end, he only finished his math homework and half of his drawing for spelling.

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